"Company of the Year-2021" and "Consumer's Choice-2021"

"Company of the Year-2021" and "Consumer's Choice-2021"


Those who have been with us for a long time remember that Bishoff received the prestigious "Company of the Year 2020" award last year. Of course, we were inspired by the success and decided to break our own record next year!
Fortunately, the hard work of the entire team paid off. Bishoff confirmed his high status and received all-Ukrainian recognition for the second time in a row. We accept congratulations, we are the "2021 Company of the Year".

The secret of success is love for Ukrainian women
This year, the Bishoff product line has expanded significantly. We once entered the market wanting to finally make it possible for women to afford effective skin care products. But it turned out that we are able to help much more! That is why we added hair products and sun protection products to the assortment.

Our philosophy and love for Ukrainian women remained with us! We hoped for your reciprocity and received it. This is confirmed by another award this year - "Consumer's Choice-2021".

We thank our clients and partners for the recognition, fruitful cooperation and, of course, we promise to continue to delight Ukrainian women with interesting novelties and pleasant prices.

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